SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce a new publishing partnership with the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) and have published the highly regarded Anaesthesia and Intensive Care from January 2019.
SAGE has over 50 years’ journals publishing experience and we are delighted to be able to direct our expertise into promoting and administering such a prestigious publication. Authors and readers will benefit from our high quality publishing services, including many new services as the journal moves to our SAGE Journals platform and working with our expert publishing team. The journal will continue to publish in its current frequency and format, coming to us with MEDLINE, Impact Factor and Scopus indexing. We will naturally make every effort to ensure that the transition runs as smoothly as possible and would welcome any comments or queries you may have.
Renewing your subscription couldn’t be easier. Once your current subscription lapses you will be sent a renewal invoice from SAGE. In order to continue subscribing all you need do is return payment with the remittance slip to SAGE in the prepaid envelope that will be provided.
Please note, as part of the transition, it has been necessary to amend the pricing structure. This is due to the fact that current pricing is based on the size of an institution and SAGE offer one flat rate per category. We have worked hard to try and ensure no customers experience substantial price increases. The majority of customers will see a small increase or a reduction in subscription price (for larger institutions) whilst we align the pricing to our model. This is a one off adjustment, necessary as part of the transition, which we hope you will understand.
Please note that journal content, including the full archive back to 1973, is available to access online via the SAGE Journals platform.
All queries relating to subscriptions (print and online) should now come to SAGE at the relevant contact address below.
We hope you will continue to subscribe to, contribute to and enjoy this journal for many years to come.
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The Australian Society of Anaesthetists have outsourced publication of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care to SAGE Publishing.
As such, all requests for permission for reuse of material should be directed to SAGE.
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